Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I get to travel internationally for work!

To Canada!

And then drive 2 hours back into the US!

And then potentially drive back to Canada because there aren't any hotels within a 50 mile radius of my new client!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Radio Woes

As you may have gathered by now, I spend a lot of time traveling for work. I think I have a lot tips and tricks for work travel down. I know exactly how I want my suitcase packed, I can pack and unpack in a matter of minutes, I can get through security quickly and easily, etc.

One of the things I still struggle with, however, is the radio. I have such a hard time finding radio stations that I like. When I have longer distances to travel I prefer listening to talk radio over music. It gives me something to focus on and pay attention to, whereas I find I can zone out to music more easily. When I used to drive regularly from NC to NJ I would listen to books on my ipod. But since I'm not going to carry on yet another device (ie something to attach my ipod to in the car) I generally try to find news. I usually spend way too long scanning stations to find something I'll listen to. And then two weeks later I'm back in the town and repeating the process because I can't remember what I listened to last time!

Friday, April 22, 2011

There should always be puppies involved in the work day.

I'm working from (my parent's) home today. And there are puppies involved.

This is Buddy.
Look at that face!
This is Holly.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is wrong with this sign??

This sign was posted all over one of my hospitals this week. Can you spot what's wrong with it? I'll give credit for 2 different things. (One of which only bothers me because I'm crazy like that)

And by credit I mean I'll buy you a drink.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Decisions are being made!

Our initial plan was to drive from Albuqurque to Flagstaff, stay overnight in Flagstaff and drive to the Grand Canyon the next day. However after reading a CNN Article this morning on remote hotels we decided to see if we could stay at Phantom Ranch, the only lodging facility below the Canyon rim. Unfortunately they sold out for the entire month of October 2011 in October 2010. However we decided to forgo a night in Flagstaff in favor of a night at the Yavapai Lodge, 1/2 mile from the Canyon rim. 

Now we just need to decide what to do with the day we're planning to spend at the Grand Canyon? Hiking? Mule ride? Skywalk? 

Would love some thought here folks! Have you been to the Grand Canyon before? Are there things we should definitely do (or definitely not do)? Are we missing anything by skipping Flagstaff? 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Least Bad Option? (POLL -->)

I just received a call from the agency that handle's my company's travel.  Immediately my heart sunk. Getting calls from them is never good!

For reasons currently unknown, US Airways canceled my 3:10 direct flight from DCA to MHT (Manchester, NH). The agent was able to tell me I was rebooked but had to call US Airways to find out how I rebooked.  I immediately ran through the options in my head and none of them are good.

So for this week's poll.  Which do you think is the "least bad" option?

A. 9pm direct out of DCA to MHT landing at 10:30pm, 30 minute drive to hotel
B. 3:25pm out of DCA, through PHL, landing at MHT at 7:45, 30 minute drive to hotel
C. 3:30pm direct out of DCA to BOS, landing at 5:00pm, 2 hour drive to hotel.

Bonus question (leave your answer in the comments) - which one do you think US Airways rebooked me on??

I really should check the weather before I pack

It's shaping up to be a nice day in DC as it was yesterday. On my way out the door I grabbed my favorite trench and my suitcase. I'm headed to New Hampshire but thought that surely a trench would still be appropriate.

Um no.

Just checked the weather. Some highlights:
-Current "feels like temp" is 29
-Rain and snow (!) showers possible tonight
-Tomorrow's high is 52 but will feel more like 40s.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A collection of random pictures

Last weekend my parents were in town while my Dad attended a conference. I took pictures. I also don't really have anything else to blog about because I only went on 1 trip this week and it was fairly uneventful. Hence:
Friday night my Mom, Dad, Sister, Sister's friends and I went to dinner.
I ordered the "Chesapeake Cioppino". Everyone else's entrees were a reasonable size. I was served the Ocean.
Saturday we went to Eastern Market. It was my Mom's first time ever. From Eastern Market we walked to the Botanical Gardens and along the way we noticed this nifty flower.

 There were also flowers at the Botanical Gardens.
 A large majority of the flowers seemed to be Orchids.
This is not a very good picture but I particularly liked this Orchid.
 From Eastern Market we walked across the mall to the National Gallery of Art. 

We particularly liked the free audio guides! I need someone to tell me what to look at in art museums.
 From the National Gallery of Art we walked all the way to Georgetown (approximately 5 miles).
I bought this Fishy luggage tag in Miami and it makes me happy. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What a difference a day makes!

Tuesday night on my way from DC to Des Moines I few Delta and was upgraded to first class. I've taken this flight probably 4 times now and always been upgraded, and I only have the lowest level of status on Delta.

Wednesday night I flew back from Des Moines on United through Chicago. On the Chicago to DC flight I was "eligible" for an upgrade...but so were 34 other people...and I was 29th!  So not only did I not get upgraded, but I had a middle seat.

I don't understand how some people manage to sit so still. The folks sitting on either side of me didn't seem to move at all during the flight. Just sat there nicely and did work on their computers or read. I, meanwhile, am repositioning ever five seconds. Crossing legs, uncrossing legs, stretching, one leg up on seat, 2 legs up on seat, crossing, uncrossing, repeat as necessary.

I feel bad for whichever one of my family members sits next to me on our flight to the Dominican Republic!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is a rabe?

I don't think I realized, until this weekend, that people don't know what broccoli rabe is. Growing up in my Italian family I always assumed everyone had sauteed broccoli rabe at dinner. Granted when I growing up I refused to eat said broccoli rabe, but I knew it was there.

Apparently it's not a common dinner side dish? Who knew!

This hit home for me this weekend when I made Red Wine Pasta with Broccoli Rabe and Sausage. I also served it with Stuffed Artichokes and Garlic Bread. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off as  I prepped this meal so I'm lacking in photographic evidence. Fortunately Jenny stepped in and snapped a few.

 Early in the day when I was less frantic I prepped my veggies.
 And cooked up the sausage early to throw in with the pasta. I blanched the artichokes and sat them out to dry.
 I mixed up a stuffing of bread crumb, cheese, parsley, (lots of) garlic and black pepper.
 Stuffed artichokes ready to go into the oven!
 Annnd stuffed artichokes out of the oven. I love these suckers. I need to start making them more frequently.
 Also - garlic bread.
 My friends snacked on the garlic bread and stuffed artichokes while I finished up the pasta. Fortunately I always over cook! The guest list crept up to 7 people and I still have leftovers.  I think 7 might be the max I can have over in my current apartment before we run out of dishes!
 Possibly one of my favorite things ever. Olive oil, garlic and pepperoncino crushed red pepper.
 Pasta boiling up in red wine
This is where my pictures end. Eventually the broccoli rabe and sausage get together with the red wine pasta and even into a serving bowl.

Update: How could I be so remiss as not to mention the dessert Jenny so deliciously provided!

Our group benefited from Jenny's excess buttermilk situation in the form of a Blueberry Buttermilk Cake. She even went above and beyond to top with a buttermilk glaze. 

My cakes never come out this easily!


Did you notice I added a new page to my blog?  The Road Trip 2011 page has the details for my October road trip. I still very much need recommendations! I'll be updating the page as I receive recommendations.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Poll Results & Road Trip Recommendations Needed!

Ok so I'm pretty sure the title of the blog post gave it away but...I'm going on a road trip!!  It wasn't so much decided by the poll, but it is nice to see at least some of my readers support this decision!

Jenny and I booked our flights from Las Vegas back to DCA a few days ago. We will figure out the rest of the coming weeks. The nice thing about this trip is that we can be super flexible (if we were flexible people, we're not. We're planners).

Below is what I know of our itinerary. Please help us fill in the gaps! We would love recommendations on places to go, things to do, sights to see, food to eat, etc! I would even consider not staying at a Starwood or Hilton if there is a interesting local hotel you might suggest.

Also - if you're free Sept 30th through Oct 9th and want to join us - let me know!

September 30th - DC to Charlotte
Time in car:  6 hours 51 minutes
Place to stay: Jenny's house
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 1st - Charlotte to Nashville
Time in car: 6 hours 36 minutes
Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 2nd - Nashville to Little Rock (with a stop in Memphis along the way)
Time in car: 3 hours 29 minutes to Memphis; 2 hours 18 minutes to Little Rock

Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 3rd - Little Rock to Oklahoma City
Time in car:  5 hours 29 minutes
Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 4th - Oklahoma City to Albuquerque
Time in car:  8 hours, 40 minutes
Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 5th - Albuquerque to Flagstaff
Time in car:  5 hours 0 minutes
Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 6th - Flagstaff to Las Vegas
Time in car:  6 hours 16 minutes
Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see: Grand Canyon
Food to eat:

October 7th & 8th - Las Vegas
Place to stay:
Things to do:
Sights to see:
Food to eat:

October 9th - LAS to DCA

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stroller Saver

I mean, I don't want to brag...but I'm kind of a hero...

On today's flight back from NC two mother's traveling with young kids (maybe 1 1/2 to 2 years old) didn't realize their gate checked strollers would not automatically be transferred to their next flight. They walked right past their strollers (as others were grabbing their own bags and bringing them) and got on the bus that would take us to the terminal.

Fortunately, for them, they sat next to me. I explained they needed to grab their own strollers. And then I got watch the little boy while his mom went out and rescued the stroller from DCA.

Also, I told a pregnant lady how to get from the bus to gate 38.

My work here is done.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well that's new


The first thing I do after entering a hotel room is lock the door. Generally I'm staying in decent places (ie Hampton Inns, not the W, but in nice enough areas) and I'm not scared for my safety or anything, but you can never be too careful.

I was a little thrown at the Hampton Inn in Concord I stayed at this week. I had never seen a lock like this before! And I wondered if it would be as effective as your standard hotel latch.

 Ironically enough after remarking about the new lock style, taking pictures of it and planning to point it out on my blog I did, in fact, get to learn that it is effective. After falling asleep Tuesday night someone tried to get into my room. I could hear them insert a keycard and then shake the door back and forth as if trying to open it. I can only imagine they thought it was their room (as is easy to do when everything looks like the same) but it startled me out of bed anyway! Definitely not my best night's sleep ever.

Monday, April 4, 2011

So many things wrong with this product...

I've seen this "texting dictionary" at a few different airports recently, and today at DCA all the clerks were wearing little badges further advertising it. This product bother me for so many reasons!

1. It's $4.99! Really?
2. You could find this stuff all for free online! Or in the actual dictionary since apparently LOL, FYI, OMG  and “♥” have all been entered in the OED. (Side note: There are so many things wrong with the recent update to the OED but that's a different blog post for a different blog!)
3. Who buys this stuff???
4. How many acronyms are there (that people legitimately use) that you need a spiral bound dictionary?
5. Of all things in an airport store, this is the product you choose to hype??
6. How do the producers of this product really see it being used? Do you read it and memorize the acronyms? Or carry it around with you to look them up when someone texts you some funky symbols or letters?
7. How is it actually structured? Do you look up the acronym or the phrase? For example would look up Starbucks and find *$? Or look up *$ and learn that means Starbucks? Or does it have both, like a Spanish-English/English-Spanish dictionary?
8. Possibly the thing that bothers me most about this product is the amount of time I've spend thinking about it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time to make some decisions (POLL to the right -->)

Ok folks. I need to start figuring my vacation plans out. Jenny and I have been contemplating a cross country road trip. We would drive from DC to Las Vegas, spend a day or 2 in Las Vegas and then fly back. The flights from Las Vegas back to DC just dropped from $232 to about $180 which I feel like we should jump on!

That being said, it's a big commitment! There is the flight, the rental car, hotels, food, gas, etc. I'm thinking it can get pretty pricey, pretty quickly depending on what we want to do and where we want to stay. I've also been getting some mixed reactions to the idea.  There are those that are all for it and others who think it sounds like torture.

Financially it makes the most sense to do it with 4 people. I also think that could be a fun number. Right now we have 2.

So...time to help me make decisions folks...

A. Go for it! You're only young once!
B. Driving over 2,500 miles sounds like torture!
C. Sounds like fun and I want to join!
D. A poll? Seriously? You need to make this decision yourself!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday Night Dinner

For the last 3 weeks when Jenny and I got together for our Friday night dinners they largely revolved around shrimp. I got it in my head that I would introduce Jenny to the wonderful world of scallops. At some point in the week I decided dinner had to include risotto. I haven't had risotto in a while but I couldn't decide what kind to make. I've made cheesey risotto, butternut squash risotto, mushroom risotto, etc. I did a quick search for risotto recipes and scanned down the list until I found a recipe for Red Wine Risotto and Peas. It seemed reminiscent of one of my favorite other recipes Red Wine Spaghetti with Broccoli Rabe (I throw sausage in as well which I think makes it perfect). I decided to go with the Red Wine Risotto and Peas. The recipe calls for 1/3 cup of frozen peas but as I was prepping the ingredients I decided that was definitely not going to be enough, so I threw an extra cup in.

The recipe starts out in the best possible of ways...melt 3 tablespoons of butter!

 Add a cup of chopped onion.
 Toast a cup of arborio rice for about 2 minutes.
 And follow that up with 1/2 a cup of red wine. Stir until absorbed. Add 3/4 cups of warm chicken broth at a time, stirring until absorbed, add the next 3/4 cup of chicken broth...repeat as necessary.
 Eventually it will look like this!

 Hmm. Maybe the extra cup of peas was overkill??
 While the risotto is finishing up I threw the scallops in a pan with some butter.

 I think the 1 1/3 cups of peas was the right call! 1/3 cup of peas would have gotten lost in there!

 Plating expert I am not!
 Jenny may not feel the same way about scallops as I do...more for me!