A little more than a week ago I downloaded a sleep tracking app. I'm generally skeptical that my phone can tell if I'm sleeping or not but I was curious to see the results anyway. From what I can understand, it doesn't so much track sleep as movement. I turn the tracking on before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning it has a graph that indicates when I was in a "light" to"deep", total sleep information, a percent deep sleep, etc.
My graphs look something like this. I'm currently averaging 67% "deep" sleep and across the 8 days I've been tracking so far, I've only hit the 80+% threshold once. On the other hand, I am averaging 7:48 hours of sleep which is pretty good considering it's midterms!
It also records noise if you hit a certain threshold. So far...nothing interesting. No snoring, no talking, etc. Although last night I decided, I might be able to use this to be "productive" in my sleep. You know how you go through "to do" lists in your head before going to sleep? (no? just me?) Well I think I can record them to follow through on the next day. Now if I can just figure out how to be productive while in the car for 2 to 3 hours on the days I'm commuting to Baltimore!
Training plan - 29 minute swim
My plan - I'm kind of torn between swimming intervals and just swimming for 29 (or so) minutes to see if I can beat my last record of 52 laps in 26 minutes.
Actual - ?
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