Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I want a puppy...

I'm not going to get one. I can't get one. But if I could...I would. In fact I would probably get 2!

At least once a year I call my mom and ask her to explain to me again why I can't get a dog.  I had another rush of puppy desire this morning while at bootcamp. Two beautiful huskies walked by and it turns out they were the dogs of the person I was working out next to. They were 3 and 4 years old and both were rescues.

I know I can't get one, it wouldn't be fair to the dog. Firstly, I work long hours, no puppy should be left alone for as long as I would be away during the day. Secondly, I travel! It's not fair to the dog if I'm boarding it a few times a week. Thirdly dogs are expensive (especially if I was boarding it multiple times a week)!!  And finally, the building where I live doesn't allow dogs. That's actually a really good thing. At my previous apartment it felt like everyone who lived around me had puppies and I was the odd man out!


they are...
 so CUTE!
I will probably need to be reminded of the 4 reasons mentioned above shortly...

(*pictured puppies are family dogs and yet another reason why I'm looking forward to going home for Thanksgiving!)

1 comment:

  1. You can't have a puppy! But you can pretend when your home...they like to be walked every morning a 6:30am, rain or shine!!
