I've seen this "texting dictionary" at a few different airports recently, and today at DCA all the clerks were wearing little badges further advertising it. This product bother me for so many reasons!
1. It's $4.99! Really?
2. You could find this stuff all for free online! Or in the actual dictionary since apparently LOL, FYI, OMG and “♥” have all been entered in the OED. (Side note: There are so many things wrong with the recent update to the OED but that's a different blog post for a different blog!)
3. Who buys this stuff???
4. How many acronyms are there (that people legitimately use) that you need a spiral bound dictionary?
5. Of all things in an airport store, this is the product you choose to hype??
6. How do the producers of this product really see it being used? Do you read it and memorize the acronyms? Or carry it around with you to look them up when someone texts you some funky symbols or letters?
7. How is it actually structured? Do you look up the acronym or the phrase? For example would look up Starbucks and find *$? Or look up *$ and learn that means Starbucks? Or does it have both, like a Spanish-English/English-Spanish dictionary?
8. Possibly the thing that bothers me most about this product is the amount of time I've spend thinking about it!
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