Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I wish the world came with signs...

Yesterday I flew from DC to Manchester, NH and really enjoyed the scenery.  I used to steadfastly require the aisle seat when I traveled, mostly because it is significantly more convenient should you need to get up on a flight (because it's super awkward when you need to get up and you're in the window seat, the passengers next to you are sleeping and one is holding a baby). However in the last few years that has changed, mostly because United boards their plane window seats first (followed by middle and then aisle) and before I had status I knew that if I wanted overhead space I was going to need to sit in the window.

Now I just really enjoy it! I love flying over cities at night. I get a kick of areas that seem very precise with very consistent rows and columns of streets and lights. I like flying over during the day and watching the scenery change. I even like flying above the clouds (see earlier random photos).

I just with I knew what the heck I was looking at! My geography knowledge has never been very good. I never have a good sense of even what states I could be flying over. It would be a lot easier if the world just came with signs.

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