Friday, February 8, 2013

Woo! Not Crazy!

Well, I mean, except in the ways that I am...

I had my follow up appointment with my doctor to review the results of my MRI.  I was really nervous going into the visit because I was concerned that either my doctor would say something was wrong and I should not train or that they didn't see anything on the MRI and I just had to deal.  I think I was more worried about there not being a solution than anything.

For better or worse, something apparently is wrong.  According to the report "redemonstrated is fragmentation of the lateral sesamoid of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint, which demonstrates low signal on T1 and T2 weighted imaging consistent with the radiographic eqivalent of sclerosis. No marrow edema. Findings most likely represent subacute to chronic sequela of trauma/fracture, sesamoiditis and/or osteonecrosis."

So...yeah... that's what's wrong...

From what I understand the sesamoid bones act as a fulcrum for the flexor tendons, the tendons which bend the big toe downward. Sclerosis is an induration or hardening, especially from inflammation. And Sesamoiditis is an inflammation of the sesamoid bones. (Thank you Wikipedia)

This is probably actually the best result from all this.  I'm a little frustrated that I had an x-ray of my sesamoid bones for this pain about 3 years ago and was told they looked fine, but I'm trying not to dwell on that.  The treatment for sesamoiditis is injections, orthotics and anti-inflammatories.  The doctor I saw today hasn't done many injections for sesamoiditis so she referred me to a foot specialist. I have an appointment on Thursday as well as prescription for orthotics and already filled the one for the anti-inflammatory.  


Remember how I said yesterday it didn't sound like February was going to get any more crazy that it already is? Yeah, I was wrong. Looks like I'm going to be working in Baltimore a few days a week starting February 20th.  I'm really looking forward to this new experience (more on that to come at some point) but I'm worried it means I'm going to need to give up my shifts at Miriam's Kitchen were I volunteer as a sous chef 2 days a month. 

Training plan - swim 24 minutes

My plan - swim 30 minutes but work on speed, maybe try intervals? 100m fast, 100m recovery, etc; 30 minutes bike, abs

Actual - Swam for 30 minutes, 200m (8 lengths) slow, 100m (4 lengths) fast for a total of 56 lengths. I wanted to push it a little harder and finish out 60 laps but an older gentleman asked if he could split the lane with me and it was really throwing me off. I did at least 30 minutes on the bike but had to switch bikes at one point so I'm not sure of the final time and distance. I did abs yesterday and I'm planning to do them tomorrow so I skipped for today.

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